
iPad Pro vs. Surface Book Pro – Which Is Better For Enterprise?

Since Apple and Microsoft both launched their latest products, comparisons have been inevitable. The two tech giants are slowly moving toward the middle, with laptops like the Surface Pro becoming more like tablets, ...

Shifting to EMV Chip Cards: What You Need to Know

October 2015 marked the start of a new era in the world of payment by card. The switch to EMV cards is well underway, and it’s important to be aware of what ...

3 Tips for Better Presentations

On average, it takes less than half a minute for an audience to gauge the worth of a presentation. You heard it right: if people aren’t interested enough, they stop listening before ...

Do You Need An Online Backup Solution?

There are two key advantages to online backups, and whether or not you ultimately need one will depend on how important these two key advantages are to you. For a significant portion ...

Windows 10 Update, “Threshold 2″, What’s New?

Are you one of the users who updated your computer to Windows 10 when you got the offer to get the new OS for free? If you did, you’re not alone. More ...

5 Cool Tech Gifts Under $100

If you’re scratching your head wondering what to get the gadget lover in your life, check out the ideas below. You’ll be impressed and amazed, and whomever you’re buying for will be ...

The Importance Of Password Security

If you’re not a Comcast customer, you may not have heard, but recently, a list of more than half a million Comcast user logins and passwords was found for sale on the ...

Encouraging Your Customers to Talk About YOUR Business

Did you know that Facebook has more than 728 million daily users? They have roughly 1.44 billion monthly active users on top of that as well. Yeah, that’s quite a breathtaking amount ...

Useful Smart Phone Apps for Small Business Owners

We live in a world that is easily accessible with our fingertips via smart phones. Running a business can be hectic, but luckily, smart phones give us access to many different ways ...

Angry Customers Matter: Turning Upset Customers into Assets

It’s okay: dissatisfied customers are a part of business life. Your response is everything, though, and a good response will make the difference between a good angry customer and a bad ...


Direct Connect Computer Systems, Inc.


Phone: 216-382-4900